Fun Hobbies


This one is for all of you who swear that you’re mermaids. Time to take out your wallets and prove it. For …

Maria Shireen
Fun Shopping

Maria Shireen

We’ve all heard it a million times from our moms and medical professionals. “Take your hair tie off of your wrist!” It’s …

Fun Hobbies Shopping

Yuhme Water Bottles

Using a reusable water bottles is one of the easiest ways to reduce your carbon footprint. They’re also better for your wallet. …

Beau Han Xu

Beau Han Xu

We can pin this on our boards for future purchases. But this artist’s creations are just too incredible not to tell you …

Arctic Buzz Ice Cream
Foodies Fun Shopping

Arctic Buzz

I’m always on the look out for new and exciting food. If you live in the DC metro area, you can get …

Fun Shopping

Shopping for a Cause

Everyday another company pops up with the goal of giving something back to the world. But only on rare occasions does something truly …